Applied Energistics 2 (2025)

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Applied Energistics 2
Applied Energistics 2 (1)
Current developersthatsIch, yueh, AE2 Contributors
Past developersAlgorithmX2
Supported Minecraft versions1.19.2
Needed forAE2 Tech Addon
ExtraCells 2
AE2 Stuff
Thaumic Energistics
Unstable 1.7.x

Applied Energistics 2 is a mod created by AlgorithmX2 designed to compactly store items in a digital network called Matter Energy, or ME (pronounced Emm-Eee). It is the new and overhauled version of the original Applied Energistics mod. Different devices can be connected to the ME Network, such as an ME Drive, for the storage of items, or an ME Terminal, allowing for access to that storage.

As of September 23, 2014, AlgorithmX2 has resigned as the developer of Applied Energistics 2 and made the mod open source on GitHub.


  • Getting Started with Applied Energistics 2
  • Starting a ME Network
  • AE2 Channel Surfing

External links[]

v · d · eApplied Energistics 2
Resources & Components


Certus Quartz Ore· Charged Certus Quartz Ore· Certus Quartz Crystal· Charged Certus Quartz Crystal· Sky Stone· Certus Quartz Dust· Nether Quartz Dust· Fluix Crystal· Fluix Dust· Fluix Pearl· Certus Quartz Seed· Nether Quartz Seed· Fluix Seed· Budding Certus Quartz· Silicon· Sky Stone Dust· Iron Dust· Gold Dust· Ender Dust


Annihilation Core· Formation Core· Matter Ball· Paint Ball·
Quantum Entangled Singularity
· Pure Certus Quartz Crystal· Pure Nether Quartz Crystal· Pure Fluix Crystal·
ME Storage Housing
Wireless Receiver
Wooden Gear

Item Storage

1k· 4k· 16k· 64k

Fluid Storage

1k· 4k· 16k· 64k

Processors and Circuits

Printed Logic Circuit· Printed Engineering Circuit· Printed Calculation Circuit· Printed Silicon· Logic Processor· Engineering Processor· Calculation Processor


Inscriber Logic Press· Inscriber Engineering Press· Inscriber Calculation Press· Inscriber Silicon Press· Inscriber Name Press



Charger· Crystal Growth Accelerator· Quartz Grindstone· Inscriber· Cell Workbench· Matter Condenser

ME System

ME Storage Cells

Item Storage

1k Cell· 4k Cell· 16k Cell· 64k Cell· Creative Cell

Fluid Storage

1k Cell· 4k Cell· 16k Cell· 64k Cell


ME Drive· ME Chest· ME Storage Bus· ME Fluid Storage Bus

Network Functions

ME Import Bus· ME Export Bus· ME Formation Plane· ME Annihilation Plane·
ME Identity Annihilation Plane
· ME Interface· ME Level Emitter·
ME Fluid Import Bus
ME Fluid Export Bus
ME Fluid Formation Plane
ME Fluid Annihilation Plane
· ME Fluid Interface·
ME Fluid Level Emitter
· ME IO Port

P2P Tunnels



ME Wireless Access Point
Wireless Terminal
Wireless Booster


ME Quantum Ring
ME Quantum Link Chamber

Spatial Storage Cells

2³ Spatial Storage Cell
16³ Spatial Storage Cell
128³ Spatial Storage Cell

Spatial IO

Spatial Pylon
Spatial IO Port


Molecular Assembler
Crafting Unit
Crafting Co-Processing Unit
1k Crafting Storage
4k Crafting Storage
16k Crafting Storage
64k Crafting Storage
Crafting Monitor
· Blank Pattern


ME Glass Cable· ME Covered Cable· ME Smart Cable· ME Dense Covered Cable·
ME Dense Smart Cable


ME Controller· ME Terminal· ME Crafting Terminal· ME Pattern Terminal·
ME Interface Terminal
ME Fluid Terminal
ME Security Terminal
ME Conversion Monitor
· ME Toggle Bus·
ME Inverted Toggle Bus
· ME Level Emitter· Illuminated Panel· ME Storage Monitor


Certus Quartz

Sword· Shovel· Pickaxe· Axe· Hoe· Wrench·
Cutting Knife

Nether Quartz

Sword· Shovel· Pickaxe· Axe· Hoe· Wrench·
Cutting Knife

Advanced Weapons

Charged Staff· Matter Cannon


Entropy Manipulator
Portable Cell
View Cell
· Color Applicator· Network Tool· Meteorite Compass

Configuration Tools

Memory Card
Biometric Card
Debug Card


Wooden Crank·
Tiny TNT


Basic Cards

Basic Card·
Redstone Card
Capacity Card
Crafting Card

Advanced Cards

Advanced Card·
Fuzzy Card
· Inverter Card· Acceleration Card



Vibration Chamber· Energy Acceptor


Energy Cell· Dense Energy Cell· Creative Energy Cell


Quartz Fiber

Decorative & Storage Blocks

Quartz Blocks

Certus Quartz Block
Certus Quartz Pillar
Chiseled Certus Quartz Block
Certus Quartz Stairs
Certus Quartz Pillar Stairs
Chiseled Certus Quartz Stairs
Certus Quartz Slabs
Certus Quartz Pillar Slabs
Chiseled Certus Quartz Slabs
· Charged Quartz Fixture· Light Detecting Fixture

Quartz Glass

Quartz Glass· Vibrant Quartz Glass

Skystone Blocks

Sky Stone· Sky Stone Block· Sky Stone Brick· Sky Stone Small Brick· Sky Stone Stairs· Sky Stone Block Stairs· Sky Stone Brick Stairs· Sky Stone Small Brick Stairs· Sky Stone Slabs· Sky Stone Block Slabs· Sky Stone Brick Slabs· Sky Stone Small Brick Slabs· Sky Stone Chest· Sky Stone Block Chest

Misc. Blocks

Fluix Block· Fluix Stairs· Fluix Slabs· Illuminated Panel·
Cable Anchor
· Cable Facade

World Generation


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Applied Energistics 2 (2025)


What is Applied Energistics 2 used for? ›

Applied Energistics 2 (AE2) is a comprehensive mod for Minecraft that introduces a unique approach to in-game inventory management. Its theme is centered around the concept of converting matter into energy and vice versa, to store and transport your items and fluids instantaneously!

Where is Sky Stone Applied Energistics 2? ›

Sky Stone is a block added by Applied Energistics 2. It is found in Meteorites that naturally spawn over the world. It can be ground via Quartz Grindstone into Sky Stone Dust.

How do you get Fluix in Applied Energistics 2? ›

Recipe. To create a Fluix Crystal, 1 Charged Certus Quartz, 1 Nether Quartz, and 1 Redstone must be dropped into a pool of water. They will be consumed and output 2 Fluix Crystals. To create a Pure Fluix Crystal, the player must craft a Fluix Seed and throw it into Water.

How do you get singularity in Applied Energistics 2? ›

To create a Singularity, 256,000 items must be fed to an ME Condenser that is configured to create Singularities.

What is the point of AE2? ›

Applied Energistics 2 is a mod created by AlgorithmX2 designed to compactly store items in a digital network called Matter Energy, or ME (pronounced Emm-Eee). It is the new and overhauled version of the original Applied Energistics mod.

Does applied energistics need power? ›

You're still going to need power it, and for that, you need an Energy Acceptor. For that, however, we get introduced to something new: Quartz Glass. Certus Quartz Dust and Glass in a checker pattern.

What level is quartz in Applied Energistics 2? ›

With Applied Energistics 2, Certus Quartz Ore spawns between layers 12 and 74, and 8% of all veins will spawn as Charged Certus Quartz.

How do you grow crystals in Applied Energistics 2? ›

The Crystal Growth Accelerator is a block added by Applied Energistics 2. It is used to accelerate the growth of Certus Quartz Seeds, Nether Quartz Seeds, and Fluix Seeds. To accelerate the growth of the seeds, place the Crystal Growth Accelerator next to the block of Water containing the seeds.

How long do Fluix crystals take? ›

A Fluix Crystal should form in the water. To create a Pure Fluix Crystal, the player will have to craft a Fluix Seed, and then drop that into a pool of water. This process will take around 12 hours. The growing process can be sped up by using Crystal Growth Accelerators.

How do you make pure Fluix? ›

How to craft Pure Cobalt Flux in Fallout 76. Once you've gathered 10 Raw Flux, head to the Chemistry Station and search for Nuked Flora in the crafting menu. Inside the Nuked Flora, you'll be able to see the various kinds of Pure Flux that you can craft.

How do you avoid singularity? ›

A simple and effective solution to avoid some singularities is to impose joint limits in your robot programming. This prevents the joints in question from moving beyond certain angles, which would lead to the robot entering a singularity. While this method is simple and effective, it restricts the robot's motion.

What is quantum entanglement Applied Energistics? ›

The Quantum Entangled Singularity is a device in Applied Energistics that is used to connect ME Quantum Network Bridges. In order to connect the Quantum Bridges, one of the entangled singularities must be placed into the Quantum Link Chamber on each network bridge.

What happens when you unlock singularity? ›

When a technological singularity is reached in the civilization tree, the simulation "crashes" and restarts from the beginning; a prestige mechanic where earned Entropy and Idea Points are converted into a new currency called MetaBits, which are used to upgrade the simulation.

What is the difference between Applied Energistics 2 and refined storage performance? ›

In general, Refined Storage Minecraft and Applied Energistics 2 are for different needs. Refined Storage is for players who want a Minecraft simple storage network system while Minecraft Applied Energistics 2 is for users who seek challenges with their setups such as more types of items, channels and resources.

Does Applied Energistics 2 work with refined storage? ›

Can I connect Refined Storage to my Applied Energistics 2 system, or vice-versa? No, you can't. You might've found an issue on our issue tracker that says you can, but no, you can't.

How do crystal growth accelerators work? ›

The Crystal Growth Accelerator is a block added by Applied Energistics 2. It is used to accelerate the growth of Certus Quartz Seeds, Nether Quartz Seeds, and Fluix Seeds. To accelerate the growth of the seeds, place the Crystal Growth Accelerator next to the block of Water containing the seeds.

What is the mysterious cube in Minecraft? ›

Mysterious Cube is an accessory that doesn't provide any stat boosts, but grants a chance to trigger various effects on basic attacks. The accessory can be obtained from a cave in Middle Pillar Mountains, located in the chest on the upper platform.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.