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Un eroe dei nostri tempi
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband was killed during a wild boar hunt. She likes him but Alberto likes Marcella; she is under age and he is awaiting her birthday to declare his love. His greater traits are to be fearful of everything and to be selfish. This nature will get him into trouble..
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- Cast
- Crew
- Details
- Genres
- Releases
Alberto Sordi Franca Valeri Giovanna Ralli Tina Pica Mario Carotenuto Leopoldo Trieste Alberto Lattuada Bud Spencer Mario Meniconi Pina Bottin Lina Bonivento Mino Doro Giulio Calì Paolo Ferrara Jone Frigerio Giorgio Berti Ciccio Barbi Nino Vingelli Paola Quagliero Lea Migliorini Carlo Mazzarella
Mario Monicelli
Franco Cristaldi
Mario Monicelli Rodolfo Sonego
Rodolfo Sonego
Adriana Novelli
Tino Santoni
Assistant DirectorsAsst. Directors
Marco Leto Mario Maffei
Camera OperatorCamera Operator
Enrico Cignitti
Production DesignProduction Design
Carlo Egidi
Set DecorationSet Decoration
Antonio Fratalocchi
Nino Rota
Kurt Doubrowsky
Costume DesignCostume Design
Giulia Mafai
Duilio Giustini
Gustavo Sisi
Titanus Vides Cinematografica
Alternative Titles
Ein Held unserer Tage, Un héroe de nuestro tiempo, Un héros de notre temps, Герой на нашето време, Um Herói de Nossos Tempos, 我们时代的英雄, Герой нашего времени
Releases by Date
- Date
- Country
15 Sep 1955
Releases by Country
- Date
- Country
15 Sep 1955
- Theatrical
85mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page
Popular reviews
Review by seb ★★★½
Sordi - as the hysteric unable to enjoy for fear of the other - being a menace for 90 minutes, and seemingly already at the top of his game long before the formal beginnings of the commedia, and in that the film is quite interesting, since it differs only faintly from later efforts, and is much more intelligent (perhaps) than the contemporaneous Pane, amore e fantasia pink comedies, since it is here where even the illusion of a traditional happy ending is foreclosed, and Sordi's everyday man is remains doomed with his "condition".
Review by migblah
Como no he visto muchas películas de Alberto Sordi ni soy un experto en la comedia italiana, no sabría decir en qué momento el actor se convirtió en el prototipo de figura masculina que se auto-humilla por su búsqueda miserable del éxito, o más bien por su miedo al fracaso. Un papel que parece repetir obsesivamente. Quizás empezase aquí, porque pocas películas ponen de forma tan acertada eso en el centro. La historia de un hombre destrozado por su educación y su contexto, continuamente reprimido por sus propias ambiciones, y que en su búsqueda de la supervivencia en un entorno hostil, siempre acaba tomando la peor decisión, provocando poco a poco su caída.
Pero pese a ser Sordi un personaje…
Review by sebastian_drogo ★★★★
Il personaggio magistralmente interpretato da
Sordi rappresenta uno fra i peggiori fra i "tipi" italiani
che il grande attore interpreterà nella sua lunga carriera.
Mostro come non pochi, interessato solo al proprio
benessere e ossessionato dall'esigenze di esseresempre al sicuro,
vigliacco, mentitore, opportunista, gretto,mette
ribrezzo, e. come nelle migliori occasioni della commedia
all'italiana, fa ridere amaro e controvoglia.
Dirige bene un altro fuoriclasse del genere: Monicelli. -
Review by Filipe Furtado ★★★
Perfect constructed farce. So bitter. Sordi was always a master of mediocre desperation.
Review by Emanuele Polverino ★★★½
Io non ho idee politiche. Tanto è vero che non sono né di sinistra e nè di destra. Ma non vorrei che qualcuno pensasse che io sia di centro.
Infatti non ho neanche votato.E non lo sa che il voto è un dovere?
E io il mio dovere lo faccio. Nell'ultimo sciopero eravamo tutti uniti come un blocco di granito.
Siamo andati tutti a lavorare
Review by Dodi ★★★
Un spin off de las tías (lesbianas) por favor, fueron fantásticas
Review by ale berl ★★★★
live laught love Alberto Sordi
Review by Moviefinger ★★★½
Monicelli è sempre Monicelli♥️
Review by Daniel Staebler ★★★★
Take the worst of your friends and give it a face. Let him stroll in post WWII Italy for a while and you'll get a little gem. Strongly recommended.
Review by Tom Moffat ★★★★
Acid satire disguised as broad farce. Monicelli's patiently unfolding sequence shots maintain the necessary distance from Sordi's mounting hysteria, resisting identification with the star's predicament - a comedy not of individual embarrassment but of contempt for an entire social order (except for the workers striking against management surveillance, the director was a communist after all).
Review by Jacob Roy Costello ★★★½
Alberto Sordi at the beginning of his peak, the beginning of his legend in the field of supplying chuckles.
Sordi does a man riddled with paranoia in the most comedic fashion possible, and he carries the film on his shoulders. It doesn’t have a deep message like his greatest films, it basically just says to not be afraid, but the comedic onslaught and perfect deliveries never relent which is always admirable.
Review by ArieleFiume ★★★★
riconoscersi totalmente in Albertone